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Best Cosmetic Dentistry Services in Chandigarh

Fix Your Smile with Best Cosmetic Dentistry Services in Chandigarh

Are you the one who is not happy with the way your smile looks? If yes, then don’t worry! Lifecare Dental Clinic in Tricity offers a comprehensive range of cosmetic dentistry services that help you to makeover your smile and make your smile bright and sparkling. Whether you want to reshape your teeth, fill your teeth gaps, or restore damaged teeth, cosmetic dentistry services in Chandigarh has a lot to offer. Cosmetic dentistry focuses on enhancing a person’s dental look by addressing various factors such as gum size, teeth shape, color, alignment, etc. Many aesthetic and non-aesthetic tooth flaws such as stained teeth, chipped, cracked, crooked, or rotated teeth, improvement of bite, and teeth with gaps can be corrected with cosmetic dentistry services in Chandigarh.

Reasons You Need Cosmetic Dentistry

There are several smile or teeth-related problems that can be fixed with the help of cosmetic dentistry services in Chandigarh. This type of dentistry is mainly focuses on improving or restoring dental appearance by correcting the teeth alignment, shape, color, and size of the gums, etc. Many people prefer basic treatment but for aesthetic and non-aesthetic benefits cosmetic dentistry is recommended. Cosmetic dentistry can correct:

  • Chipped or cracked teeth
  • Small gaps or spaces between teeth
  • Misaligned teeth.
  • Crooked teeth
  • Discolored and stained teeth
  • Teeth that are sticking out
  • Dark and pigmented gums
  • Ugly dental crowns
  • Worn-out teeth and Gummy smile
  • Misshapen teeth
  • Disproportionate lip and tooth or face structure
  • Other tooth defects such as tetracycline stains, fluorosis, etc.

Types of Cosmetic Dentistry Services We Offer:

1. Laser Teeth Whitening:

Laser teeth whitening is one of the most popular cosmetic treatments. There are many advantages of choosing laser teeth whitening services such as lightening of teeth color, low risk of getting gum irritation, and stain removal to give pearly white teeth. There are many types of teeth whitening treatment but laser one is better than in-home treatment or other treatments. Laser whitening treatment is performed using narrow lasers that can lighten your teeth up to 7 to 8 shades light in 45 to 60 minutes.

2. Dental Veneers:

Dental veneers also known as porcelain veneers are an excellent option to choose as it helps to cover a damaged or cracked or chipped tooth or close gaps between teeth. It helps to improve visual appearance and smile. Porcelain veneers are thin shells which are made up of translucent porcelain that can be bonded to your teeth. Dental veneers are really strong, durable, and a non-invasive way of transforming different types of smiles.

3. Cosmetic Dental Bonding:

Cosmetic dental bonding which is also known as enamel bonding is recommended to fill chipped, cracked, or stained teeth. Our cosmetic dentists in Chandigarh typically use tooth-coloured resin composite material in dental bonding that will be applied to your teeth in a thin layer which will instantly improve the overall teeth appearance. Cosmetic enamel bonding is really affordable and time-efficient as it quickly changes the contour of your teeth in just a single sitting without causing any pain.

4. Invisible braces:

Invisible braces also known as invisible or clear aligners treatment is used to correct the alignment of teeth. This service is a type of orthodontic treatment that helps to straighten teeth but without using any type of metal brackets or wires that are uncomfortable, painful, and unattractive. Clear aligners are the best alternative to metal braces for teens and adults. It can treat three types of teeth conditions including overbite, underbite, crooked teeth and crowded or widely spaced teeth. Clear aligners are virtually invisible and completely removable, and help you to eat, drink, and brush with comfort.

5. Dental Crowns:

A dental crown is commonly known as cap that is used to restore decayed, broken, weak or worn-down tooth or to cover the entire tooth after placing dental implant. They are natural-looking customized restorations that are stain-resistant, strong, and can rejuvenate your smile.

6. Inlays and Onlays:

Inlays and onlays procedure is used to restore teeth, while getting rid of pain and sensitivity at the same time. An inlay is basically a small custom-made tooth-shaped piece made up of composite, porcelain, resin, or gold material that the dentist uses to replace the lost surface of a tooth while onlay is relatively similar to a crown. Onlay is more effective than an Inlay as it covers the cusp of the teeth. There is no need for cutting or grinding in the procedure of composite inlays and onlays as they fit right over the existing teeth. There are several causes for which you could visit a cosmetic dentist for inlays and onlays treatment especially when your cavity is too big that cannot be replaced by dental fillings. There are many benefits of this treatment from performing subtle repairs to improving fracture resistance, wear resistance and less tooth material shrinkage which will drastically improve the visual appearance.

7. Gum Contouring:

Gum contouring, also known as gingival sculpting, or gingivoplasty, is a process that involves reshaping of the gumline. Many people who have gummy smiles are often use this cosmetic procedure. This procedure is used to improve the look of the gums, teeth, or smile. So, if you have a high or low gumline, or in-between (uneven) gumline, gum contouring treatment is the best option to choose in order to improve your smile.

What Our Treatments of Cosmetic Dentistry Will Do?

Our cosmetic dentistry treatment in Chandigarh can easily correct tooth flaws and give you the confidence to show off your smile by improving the overall smile appearance. Our expert cosmetic professionals are dedicated to create smiles that are beautiful, natural, and healthy.

Our Treatments of Cosmetic Dentistry Will:

  • Fill the gaps between adjoining teeth
  • Modifies the size, shape, and alignment of teeth
  • Brighten up or whiten the teeth’ color.
  • Correct or enhance bites.
  • Repair teeth that are cracked, chipped, broken, or decayed.
  • Replace missing teeth.

Our team of dental experts also uses intra-oral scanner for 3d dental scanning and innovative smile design software that enables our cosmetic professionals to analyze a patient’s face, jaws, and teeth which helps them to digitally plan your perfect smile. It lets you preview the final result even before the start of the treatment. We use the highest quality materials and modern art-of-the-state techniques to ensure that our patients receive long-lasting results at affordable prices.

Book Your Appointment Now at Life Care Dental Clinic

If you’re not happy with your smile or desire to have a stunning smile? Then, don’t wait and book your appointment now for the best cosmetic dentistry services in Chandigarh at Lifecare Dental Clinic. Whether you have stained, crooked, or missing teeth, or want to reshape, close gaps, and restore your worn-out teeth, our dental experts can do everything to improve your visual appearance that will later increase your confidence and self-esteem. Contact us now at 8591297780 or 98766 44433 to get your flawless smile in no time.